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Genealogy Research Using 21st Century Techniques

Pages: 201
Binding: Spiral Bound
Price: $25 plus $5 mailing fee
Description: This is a research guide for doing genealogy. In its 201 pages, the book covers beginning genealogy, censuses, cemeteries, Find-a-Grave, church and courthouse records, newspapers and obituaries, searching techniques, useful genealogical sites, pedigree chart, family group sheet, research checklist and instructions for each, and some technical topics. It covers both on-line resources and on-site research and how you can utilize the computer to its best advantage in your search for your ancestors. This book tells you succinctly how to do research in various areas and gives many, many on-line sites.
29 pages of pertinent webpages and information by State
30 Pages of pertinent webpages and information for Foreign Countries
Since we print in small batches, we try to make sure the information and websites are up to date. Every website is checked before the update is published.
Rural Hill Cemetery Book - 1835 to November 2021
Author: Northville Genealogical Society
Copyright: 1990, Revised May 2021
Description: The Rural Hill Cemetery Database contains an updated transcription of the cemetery, along with maps and a detailed history of the cemetery itself. This is the fourth reading of the cemetery, the last one completed by members of the Northville Genealogical Society in 2003. This project was carried out from August 2015 to May 2021.
This Cemetery has been indexed.
There are also photos and memorials to FindAGrave for Rural Hill.
Waterford Cemetery Book
Author: Mill Race Chapter #1007 of Questers and Northville Genealogical Society
Copyright: 1986, Revised 2005
Pages: 12, Indexed
Binding: Spiral Bound
Price: $7.00
Description: History of Waterford. Names and dates read from gravestones.
Thayer Cemetery Book
Author: Northville Genealogical Society
Copyright: 1989, Revised 2009
Pages: 24, Indexed
Binding: Spiral Bound
Price: $10.00
Description: Names and dates read from gravestones.
Yerkes Cemetery Book
Author: Northville Genealogical Society
Copyright: 1990, Revised 2005
Pages: 13, Indexed
Binding: Spiral Bound
Price: $7.00
Description: Names and dates read from gravestones
Knapp (Section 35) Cemetery Book
Author: Northville Genealogical Society
Copyright: 1989, Revised 2003
Pages: 5
Binding: Spiral Bound
Price: $7.00
Description: Names and dates read from gravestones
Oakwood (Cady) Cemetery Book
Author: Northville Genealogical Society
Copyright: 1989, Revised 2031
Pages: 34, Indexed
Binding: Spiral Bound
Price: $12.00
Description: Names and dates read from gravestones.
The library’s local history page has more info about Oakwood Cemetery.